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Team Members

Need help with your show? Add Team Members.

Luke avatar
Written by Luke
Updated over a week ago

How To Add Team Members 

This article will show you how to add team members to your Simplecast account and explain the permissions that can be assigned to each team member. Team Members are able to access and help manage your show.

Team Members Permissions:

Analytics can only see your show's Audience analytics.
Managers can additionally view, add and edit episodes.
Admins can do everything you (the Show Owner) can do, but they won't be able to manage your billing, or delete your show or account.

1. How To Add Team Members:

  1. Click on the Gear Icon in the upper lefthand corner dropdown menu

  2. Select Team Members from the lefthand side menu

  3. Enter Email Address

  4. Select Role (Show Analytics, Show Manager, or Show Admin)

  5. Click Invite

2.  How To Change Permissions of Team Members:

  1. In the Members section, locate the team member 

  2. Select new role (Show Analytics, Show Manager, or Show Admin)

  3. Click Save in the upper righthand corner

3. How To Remove Team Members:

  1. In the Members section, locate the team member 

  2. Click on the X next to their email address

  3. In the Delete warning dialog box,  click Submit or Cancel to exit. 

4. The Invite Email (How team members accept invitation)

  1. Invited Team Member will receive an invitation from Simplecast

  2. In the email there is a link that says Click to Accept

  3. This opens up a login screen that states 'You've been invited to manage [your show].  Please log in to accept the invitation.'

  4. Login or Signup

Need To Add More Team Members?

  1. Upgrade your Account in Billing to add more team members if you've reached your limit.

Team Member FAQ

Q: If I am an Admin on a Show and I create a new show, who owns that show?

A: At this time that show would be added to the Admin's personal Simplecast account and its billing.

Q: Are Team Members account-based or show-based?

A: Team members are added to shows. User accounts can be added as team members using email address as the identifier to a show.

• • •

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