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Facebook Pixel Code

What is a Facebook Pixel Code? How do you get one? How do I add a Pixel Code it to my Simplecast website?

Eduard avatar
Written by Eduard
Updated over a week ago

This tutorial will help you create or locate your pixel code on Facebook and show you where to put it in your Simplecast dashboard.

What is a Facebook Pixel?

Facebook pixels are code you can add to your website to measure the impact of your ads and unlock powerful solutions in Facebook advertising. Facebook pixels track website activities and conversions, will automatically deliver ads to people and help you reach new and existing customers.

Where do you get Facebook Pixel Code?

The Business Manager on Facebook is where you can create a new pixel code or locate one you have already created. 

  1. Go to Business Settings in Business Manager.

  2. Select your business.

  3. Click Data Sources.

  4. Select Pixels.

  5. Click the + Add button.

  6. Type in a name for your Pixel.

  7. Optional: Enter your website URL.

  8. Click Continue.

  9. To install your Meta Pixel on your website, click Set up the Pixel Now. If you'd like to stay in Business Manager, click Continue Managing My Business.

Figure 1: Click the dropdown arrow on Data Sources and select Pixels.

Figure 2: Type in a name for your Pixel. If already created, your Pixel ID/Code will be located at the top of the page where you can select and copy it to your clipboard (cmd/ctrl + c).

How To Add Facebook Pixel Code to your Simplecast Website

Step 1: Click on the GEAR ICON in the upper lefthand corner of your dashboard.

Step 2: Select SITE SETTINGS from the lefthand side menu

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the page, to the ADVANCED section

Step 4: Type or Paste (cmd/ctrl + v) the Facebook Pixel Code

Step 5: Click SAVE in the upper righthand corner, and you're all set!

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