How To Replace An Existing Audio File for Episodes
You can upload a new audio file from your episode’s edit page. This can be done by clicking into the area where you originally uploaded the episode audio.
💡Tip: Changing the file name of the new audio file can help some podcast directories notice the file change a little sooner.
Step-by-Step Instructions to Replace Audio File:
Click on 'Episodes' in the Menu Bar
Click on the episode card for which you want to replace the audio file
Click on 'Edit' or 'Edit Draft' in the upper-right corner.
In the 01. Audio File & Content box: Drag or Select From Computer by clicking on the shaded box (Clicking 'Remove' is an optional first step).
Press Save. The RSS Feed will update immediately and the original file is automatically deleted.
Q: How soon will podcast directories update my show with the new episode file?
A: This change will be reflected immediately in your RSS feed and anywhere you have your episode embedded. Podcast directories will also reflect the change but updating timeframes vary. Rest assured that if you've made the change here on your Simplecast account, it will update everywhere your podcast is listed on.
Q: Will downloads/analytics be affected after replacing audio file?
A: No. Replacing the audio file will not affect previously reported analytics for the episode.
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