Troubleshooting why your custom domain is not working:
Is the 'Enable Custom Domain' box checked in 'Website Settings & Design'?
Did you enter your custom domain name in Step 2 in 'Website Settings & Design' and press 'Save'?
Are the DNS Settings configured correctly at your domain registrar? (You need to add 3 A-Records & 1 CNAME for 'www')
'www' (name) (value/points to)
Delete any additional A-Records (you should only have 3 total). It is okay if you have additional CNAME Records or AAA Records, but you should only have 3 A-Records.
Remove any domain redirects on your custom domain name
Using CloudFlare? Click on the orange clouds to disable any security features. Press Disable & Save when prompted.
Depending on your DNS provider's TTL (Time To Live), there may be a delay of up to 24 hours for the change. Most DNS providers will allow you to lower this TTL window.
Simplecast Dashboard: Site Settings & Design
Simplecast DNS Settings
Using CloudFlare?
Click on the orange clouds to disable security features
Click 'Disable'
Click Save
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